Let our art expert fascinate you with one of our choices:
‘Love, Betrayal, Poison and Death’: This talk considers life’s tangled web of strong emotions which can sometimes lead to powerful consequences, subjects that have inspired artists through the centuries, creating works of art that we can admire, enjoy or, maybe, feel challenged by.
The Pre Raphaelites – A Revolutionary Art: Political upheaval and revolution in Europe in 1848 coincided with the formation in England of a revolutionary art movement – the Pre-Raphaelites. Birmingham Museums Trust holds the most important collection of Pre-Raphaelite art anywhere in the world. The collection has over 3,000 paintings, drawings, prints and examples of decorative art and design.
The Treasures Tour – Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery: Our world-class museum is home to Anglo-Saxon treasure, the Staffordshire Hoard, and the most important collection of Pre-Raphaelite art in the world, along with much more. We will look at the famous Round Room, the Pre-Raphaelites collection, the Modern Art galleries, and artists including Bellini, Canaletto, Donald Rodney, David Cox, Ford Madox Brown, Joseph Southall and many more.
The Art of the Baroque: This talk introduces Birmingham Museum’s magnificent collection of Baroque art of 17th century Italy and Spain. Key artists such as Guido Reni, Orazio Gentlileschi and Carlo Dolci will be included in the talk. Art of this period employed emotion and a theatrical use of light in support of the Counter-Reformation through visual culture.